
Taiwan Rotary Youth Exchange
Districts 3481, 3482, 3501 & 3502


About us




















2024 (D3481&D3482) Cycling Camp

2025(D3501) Discover Camp

2025(D3502) Cultural Culinary Camp

Making a world of difference

As a Rotary Youth Exchange student, you’ll spend up to a year living with a few host families and attending school in a different country.

Whether you participate in Rotary’s long-term or short-term Youth Exchange programs, you’ll learn a new way of living, a great deal about yourself, and maybe even a new language. You’ll also be an ambassador, teaching people you meet about your country, culture, and ideas. You can help bring the world closer – and make some good friends in the process. 

More than 8,000 young people each year have experiences like these through Rotary Youth Exchange. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. Are you ready for it?


Introduction to Youth Exchange

Exposure to different cultures ranks as one of the most powerful ways to promote international understanding and peace. The Rotary Youth Exchange program provides thousands of young students with the opportunity to meet people from other countries and to experience new cultures, planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding.

The program offers numerous benefits to its young participants and their Rotarian hosts and mentors, as well as to the community at large. Through Youth Exchange, students learn firsthand about all aspects of life in another country. As their concept of the world expands, they mature and develop a deeper understanding of themselves. Immersion in another country’s educational system enhances their academic and personal growth. Host clubs and families and the entire community are enriched by extended, friendly contact with someone from a different culture.


【2024-25】Camp Invitation

*2024-05-20 TRYEX' Night-Welcome YEOs From Overseas
*2024-5/19~23 Pre-Convention Tour
*2021-11-28【2021-22】YEO Meeting & Gathering
*2021-07-24【2021-22】YEO Meeting
*2021-06-28【2020-21】YEO Meeting
*2021-04-18【2020-21】YEO Meeting
*2019-12-29【2019-20】YEO Training Semina I
*2018-11-18【2018-19】TRYEX YEO Seminar I
Formosa Taiwan


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